It was storming last night, I was at the park taking pictures of the storm rolling in. Then after the storm had been on us for a while I set up the camera in the window to capture the storm. These are a few of my favorites.
It was storming last night, I was at the park taking pictures of the storm rolling in. Then after the storm had been on us for a while I set up the camera in the window to capture the storm. These are a few of my favorites.
Over the last few nights of fireworks, I shot over 1200 pictures trying to capture the fireworks just right. At corporate on the 4th I set my bag on the ground with my camera positioned toward the show and let my remote trigger the shutter every 1-2 seconds. I started it at 2 seconds, and then moved it to 1 second mid show as the amount of fireworks increased. I didn’t want to overexpose the shots. Below are a few of my favorites, along with a time lapse video of the full show.
Download a couple free firework photos here.
This is the second year we’ve done You Asked For It. A series that is based off of questions that our people asked. Both years we’ve had lots and lots of questions on a variety of topics from Homosexuality to Tattoos to how to hear from God. This year we took it a step further and posted polls on Facebook allowing our people to select the worship tunes we sang. Here is the bumper video I created for the series. If your church can use it let me know and I will send it your way. You can see the full service here, or just the message here.
Download the source file here.
Another Sunset
It’s true I have an addiction to capturing the beauty of the lake and the light chasing the clouds across the sky.
Create stunning Bar Graphs really simply. I’ve provided the After Effects CS5.5 version below. I think the project file is pretty self explanatory, but if you have questions leave them in the comments section below. Enjoy!
Download the file here
Tonight our flight was a little bit bumpy; it had almost rocked Lindsey to sleep. As we descended through the enormous cotton balls of clouds I couldn’t help but think how beautiful it was. Then on the way home I asked Lindsey what time the sun would set because a large cotton ball sky can make for a great night to setup my camera and record a time lapse. So tonight that’s what is going on. We got back from the airport, and I no more than dropped our luggage inside our front door and headed for the park. Lindsey asked me tonight how many sunsets I need, and I told her that I needed one more infinitely. They are all different, and I don’t have any desire to miss a good one. I may be tired from the full day of traveling, but this is one of my favorite places on the planet right now. So… Here I am documenting another beautiful night at Shawnee Mission Park.
Ps. While recording the time lapse I choose to type this entry up as well. You may have noticed that it’s a bit longer than the rest of my posts
Ps II. I take the shots on a canon t2i process the raw images, and sequence them together in After Effects CS5.5.
Ps III. I will probably take more shots and more time lapse over the rest of the summer. Stay tuned.
Download the quicktime file here
I was at a wedding Saturday evening, I decided to pull out my camera and take some shots. A bunch of them were sweet textures from the awesome wooden floor. I’ve bundled my favorite five zipped them together and now I’m making them available to everyone for free.
Free for personal and commercial use, please only share links to my website not directly to the download. Leave me a comment with what you’ve made with my textures.