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Easter Opener – Video Shoot – 2011

Big Thanks to Chloe Gibbs – She did a great job with this script.  It was tough because we had to capture the full thing in one pass.  I don’t want to have any cuts in the final version. After about 20 takes we called it a night.  Thanks to Troy as well, he coached Chloe on the piece, and he wrote it.  I think it will be a awesome way to start off our easter service. 

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Lightning 4-3-2011

So…. It stormed last night, I set my camera looking out from our sliding glass door that goes out to our balcony, set it to a 30 second exposure left my remote control to take shots through the night, and I got one shot I thought I would share.  I learned tonight what todo next time it storms.


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Snowy March

March 27th, 2011 the snow began to fall in the afternoon.  It was a freak storm that came after with had been in the mid 70s for a week.  It didn't stick around for very long, but I was able to snap a couple shots. (today I was reminded how difficult it can be to take a good shot of snowy trees)  These were my best attempt… I hope you like them!