This sunday we took the last couple minutes of our service to call people forward who have been SENT. During our morning services we had about 70% of our attenders come forward to be annointed with oil. We then took time to pray for them and their parishes. What a sweet time of worship!
Author: Wes Koetje
Street Pictures – 3-24-2011
I was out taking video and pictures of churches in our area, and I also needed a shot of a street. Here are a couple of my favorite shots from this afternoon.
Kayla Joy
Holland Michigan State Park – 3-17-2011
I stitched together about 15 images with photoshops auto photo merger. It was pretty cool seeing the waves crash over the piers.
Holland Michigan Sunset 3-16-2011
A little fun fliming the sunset – not the best but clouds still looked pretty good
Foggy Tuesday

Beautiful fog this evening
Dan Southerland – SENT

Dan Southerland Decided that he wanted to wear a monk robe for our services.