Day 2 – Shawnee Mission Park Sunset
So I bought this fancy new camera and am trying to learn it. See my pictures as I progress.
Day 2 – Shawnee Mission Park Sunset
So I bought this fancy new camera and am trying to learn it. See my pictures as I progress.
Sometimes when I look at images – It sparks an idea. Most I let pass by without much thought others seem to stick and need further investigation. About 2 years ago I was shown an image about like this one.
This is the special art piece we did during our easter services. It was a huge hit and I just wanted to share it with everyone here.
Easter Sand Art from Westside Family Church on Vimeo.
Please note – we removed audio to comply with copyright
This video was originally played without an audio track,
I added one for the web version. Schaun and Dan talked over this video during our services.