Upon hitting the 1 year anniversary of the Pulse, I thought it was time to iterate the design again. Maybe on the second anniversary I will change the music out.
Here are a few of the stills from the new pulse opener.
Upon hitting the 1 year anniversary of the Pulse, I thought it was time to iterate the design again. Maybe on the second anniversary I will change the music out.
Here are a few of the stills from the new pulse opener.
Another sunset, but this time I thought I would shoot through the field instead on top of it. I think in the future I will stick to above the weeds, but it was worth a shot. Hopefully more posts to come in the next few weeks. I have been neglecting pursuitvideo.com for a while. I might even update it with a new theme. Who knows, just another sunset for tonight.
Married on August 13th 2011 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHh7xGUTmBI
My friend, Mike Smith agreed to be part of a video shoot for this series. What I failed to inform him of was he was going to be the face for the entire series. Bulletin, web graphics and back screen graphic. By the way he is a great photographer you should check out his work. Thanks for playing along Mike. It was a fun shoot.
Music Licensed from:
“Telephone (skit)” by 4di (http://www.myspace.com/edgarfichtenwald)
Here is the bumper video we created for our Legacy series.
If ever you see content on here you would like to use for your church. Please feel free to contact me.
wkoetje(at)westsidefamilychurch.com We are happy to share full resolution files with churches wanting to use the content.
Today starting at 5am I started snapping pictures of church in the park. Typically we worship at 3 different locations each week, but once each year we all come together. Here is the day condensed into 40 seconds of Time-Lapse photography.
Yep… Another sunset, I love being out at the park taking pictures of the sunset. I have snapped over 20,000 clicks with my canon t2i. I hope that it lasts a lot longer that the shutter is rated for. We will see.